An unresolved complaint ends up on the Internet
An unresolved complaint ends up on the Internet There is a new trend that shows that those customers who do not receive a response in
Facebook Code
By means of the semio-statistics analysis of 122,000 words used by young people aged 15 to 21 on Facebook in 2011, we can infer some trends in changes in the language, codes, and new meanings given by this group.
What is Facebook Code: The less said the better.
In tough times empathy is good
Face-to-face, telephone, and social media customer service staff today face the challenge to deal with a customer who is mainly sensitive and worried. More than ever it is necessary for them to talk, empathize to retain the customer and provide an effective service. This kind of service is possible when the operator also finds good communication and empathy within the organization. We are aware that it is difficult to provide external customers with what internal customers do not have.
THE NPS ISN´T MAGIC!!! The NPS is a powerful tool for CX but implementing it does not guarantee its success. There are two moments:
The NPS is a powerful tool for CX but implementing it does not guarantee its success. There are two key moments to optimize its implementation:
-BEFORE: It is essential to explain to and always involve every company level and area in how it is measured and what it represents. What promoters, detractors, the importance of the customer´s message are.
Heroes, victims, or villains?
Heroes, victims, or villains? Customer service staff in branches today, heroes, victims, or villains? Today face-to-face customer service staff is under a level of exposure never experienced nor expected before.
Talk to me slowly, I´m in a hurry”
“Talk to me slowly, I´m in a hurry” could be a very good slogan today in customer service.
The customer needs to be spoken to in a calm tone and that we repeat any information necessary to do what they came to do as quickly as possible.
TIME TO UNDERSTAND AND EXPLAIN: Today it is more important than ever to focus our attention to a customer when they talk or write to us; and also that we reply patiently and calmly to each of their enquiries.